Operator of this website is company COLORFULSKY s. r. o. registration number 07065451 with office in Havlickova 1935/33, 78901 Zabreh, Czech Republic
If you have some question about your order or if you are looking for some extra products you can contact us on e-mail:
Are you able to send your products to my country?

Can you send your products out of the EU? For example to the USA, Australia, Canada, …?
Thank you for your interest in our products however shipping out of the EU is not possible

How much I have to pay for transport?
Weight limit for one package is 30 kg. Price for shipping is the same for all packages (500 g or 29 kg, you pay the same price).
Actual price you can find in shopping cart.
What does it mean CE certificate?
Most of products on our website have been already certified regarding new rules of EU = all these products like firecrackers Black Death, DumBum, JC05, … are absolutely legal in all countries of EU. Offer of these products will grow up. Depend on offer of our suppliers.
I have paid through bank transfer. When will my order be sent off?
As soon as your payment will be credited on our account, we can process your order. Please keep on mind that international SEPA bank transfer lasts for 1-2 workdays!!!
I have paid with my credit card. When will my order be sent off?
If was your credit card transfer successful, your package will be send as soon as possible (usually within 2-3 workdays). In case of some bigger delay we will contact you immediately.Can you send my order as C. O. D. (cash on delivery / per Nachnahme) ?
Yes, however this payment option is available only for customers from Germany and after age verification with copy of ID card or some other document.
How long does it take from paying to receiving the order?
If all ordered products are available, your order will be send within 2-3 WORKDAYS (in November and December usually within one week). The duration of the transport is different – in the space of 2-8 WORKDAYS depending on the weight of the consignment and the final destination.
Are your products legal in my country?
We cannot check the legal status of a product in every single country. It is your responsibility to check the legal status of a product. We cannot provide you with any information about how strict the customs of your country are. The laws and rules change quickly and we cannot keep the website up to date regarding this subject.
What does the packet look like ? Can anybody find out what the content of the packet is?
The package is in a standard neutral cardboard and the sender is a neutral person. Used boxes are absolutely discreet. You will find NO logos, www-addresses, etc. At the same time, the whole package is packed into a special foil which protects the content from damage and pilferage during transportation.
I am a trader and I am interested in cooperation with you. Could we strike a bargain?
Of course! Email your vision to us, what you are interested in and we will prepare an individual offer with special prices only for you. If you have applicable VAT number, we can sell you all products without 21% TAX